
Quality Dental Care in One Place

Gum Contouring in Taylor, TX

Gum Contouring in Taylor, TX

Many people have problems with excess gum tissue. Misshaped gums can cause discomfort in some cases, and can negatively affect the appearance of your smile. Fortunately, gum contouring is a relatively simple process that is fast and virtually pain-free. We are pleased to be able to offer our Taylor, TX, area patients gum contouring as one of the many dental services we provide.

How You Know if You Need Gum Contouring

Many people can benefit from gum contouring. If you suffer from any of the following problems, talk to your dentist about gum contouring.

  • A“gummy” smile, or a gum line that comes too far down on the top front teeth
  • Impacted teeth, or teeth that have not fully erupted through the gum surface
  • Excess frenum tissue, or too much gum tissue connecting the gums to the upper lip

In some cases, gum contouring may be more of a cosmetic procedure used to enhance the appearance of a person’s smile. But for many patients, it’s much more than that. Excess gum tissue can be uncomfortable or even painful, often impacting how a person speaks or chews food. For those individuals, gum contouring can provide benefits that go far beyond personal appearance.


Fortunately, gum contouring is a relatively simple and quick procedure. Your dentist will use a diode laser to cut away excess gum tissue and reshape your gums. This may sound painful, but it’s not at all! The laser greatly reduces any bleeding, and it also helps your gum tissue heal quickly. Better still, most gum contouring procedures can be completed in a single visit to our Taylor, TX, office.

As is the case with almost any dental procedure, gum contouring may not be right for everyone. Meet with your dentist and discuss your goals with him. He can thoroughly examine your gums and tell you whether or not gum contouring would be right for you.


For more information about gum contouring, or to schedule an appointment with our friendly doctors, call our Taylor, TX, office today.

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