Dental implants refer to artificial tooth roots made to cover up one’s missing teeth. Implants can blend in with your natural teeth, thus restoring your beautiful smile while preventing any jaw bone loss.

If you too have missing teeth and are hoping to get dental implants Taylor Texas to cover them up, you need a little information beforehand to prepare yourself. So let’s get started! Here we have provided you with an overview of the dental implant procedure and the recovery phase to help you understand how this process works.

Dental Implant Procedure

  • Consultation 

Before your procedure starts, you need a consultation with your dentist to determine whether these implants are right for you. Your dentist will take X-rays of your teeth, jaws, and gums, and if everything is in order, only then will you be allowed to get implants.

  • Before Treatment

There are guidelines you need to adhere to before your treatment begins. For example, if you have any underlying oral problems, your dentist will tend to them before providing you with implants. Again you are a smoker; you will be required to quit before your treatment starts.

  • Procedure

Your initial dental implant procedure will be done in one sitting with the help of a process known as Osseointegration. This process involves the anchoring of your implants to your jawbone. This anchor will take almost 6 weeks to 6 months to heal and fuse with your jaw bone, after which you will be given a hybrid denture, a bridge, or a crown to cover up the gap.

A pilot hole will be drilled into your jaw during osseointegration to place the implant screw. The surrounding gum area will be secured around the implant screw, which will again be covered with a protective cover screw for healing. After the healing process is finished, your dentist will remove the cover and replace it with the final crown or bridge, thus completing your dental implant procedure.

Dental Implant Recovery and Aftercare

Dental implant recovery mainly depends on how many required procedures are during your placement. However, the most critical factor behind success and recovery is proper dental care. Regular brushing and flossing are essential to avoid any infections. It will also ensure that the implants integrate with your bone structure.

After your implant, you will feel discomfort for some days. You might even experience slight swelling and minor bleeding from the implant site. Our dentist will prescribe pain medicine for such swelling and discomfort. However, if you feel that your pain worsens, consult your dentist immediately.

Your entire recovery phase will go on for about six months. So, if you follow through with your dentist’s instructions during this phase, your recovery will commence smoothly, and your implants will last you a lifetime! This will be followed by your crown fixing, which will last for a month or two.


Getting dental implants is a long procedure, but in the end, it is worth the effort. All you have to do is patiently go through the procedure and rigorously work through the recovery phase. So get your appointment today! All the best! If you are looking for a reliable dentist in Taylor TX, to get your dental implant, you can check out our websites to get hold of the best professionals in the state.