We all want a beautiful and attractive smile, which is why we get braces in our youth to correct alignment and bite issues, and why we practice proper oral hygiene and visit the dentist for regular cleaning and checkup. Some of us even go so far as to whiten our teeth regularly to keep them looking bright and youthful.

However, even with proper care, things can happen to our teeth. Chips, cracks, and even broken teeth are not uncommon, and when such incidents occur, they can really alter the look of your smile and cause your confidence to plummet. Luckily, there are options for correcting such issues, and one of the most common treatments for minor issues is bonding.

This relatively quick and cost-effective treatment involves the use of bonding materials, or putty-like resins, that are colored to match your natural teeth and then molded in place before being hardened and polished. When completed, dental bonding will restore your natural smile, or even improve it. The only thing you need to know is how long it will last.


Generally speaking, you can expect dental bonding to last about ten years. How does this compare to alternatives like veneers? In truth, they last about the same amount of time before a reapplication is necessary, and bonding is much more affordable. Plus, veneers are generally only required in instances like severe tooth damage (such as a broken tooth), or if you want to change the look of several teeth, as opposed to fixing a single damaged tooth.


An important caveat to the 10-year anticipated lifespan of your tooth bonding is that you must take proper care of bonded teeth, as well as overall oral health. This, of course, means engaging in proper oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash daily, and preferably after every meal. It also means scheduling regular dental visits for checkups and cleaning and addressing any issues that could compromise the health of a bonded tooth, or your oral health in general. A healthy mouth helps to support long-lasting dental bonding.

In addition, you have to treat your bonded teeth with extra care. Dental bonding isn’t as robust or durable as a natural tooth, and it can become damaged. If you’re the type that likes to open packages or cut the thread with your teeth, now is the time to give up these habits. You should also avoid munching on hard objects like pens, ice, hard candy, and even your fingernails. Stick to chewing food with your chompers and you’ll get the most use from your tooth bonding.

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