Did you know that dental implant procedures have a 95% success rate?

It is the most successful restorative dentistry method and more efficient than partial or full dentures, which are less successful than dental implant surgery. 

In this blog, we closely examine:

  • What Are Dental Implants?
  • Dental Implantation Procedure: What Goes Behind The Scenes
  • Post Dental Implant Procedure
  • Tips For Effective Maintenance Of Implants
  • Factors Affecting The Success Rate Of Dental Implant Procedure
  • Other Procedures That You May Have With Implants

Let’s understand more about dental implants as we look closely into the different factors in the following sections. 


Have you lost a tooth to decay or an accident?

Say no more! For any reason, a lost tooth can affect your appearance and take a heavy toll on your confidence and mental health. 

Dental Implants

Thanks to dental implants, you no longer have to hide your smile or lose self-confidence. These oral appliances help you restore, rebuild, and revamp your smile in the best manner. 

In the following sections, we’ll learn more about these oral implants. Let’s get started.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are metal structures used to replace a missing tooth permanently. They are surgically placed in your mouth to look, feel, and function like natural teeth. 

Dental implants are a great option if you’ve lost one or more teeth. They are customized to fit your preferences amongst the different dental implant types to match the color of your natural teeth, restoring your beautiful smile. 

Dental Implantation Procedure: What Goes Behind The Scenes

The Preparation Stage: Before The Implant Procedure.

The dental implantation procedure generally begins with your dentist examining your oral health. They’ll review your medication and supplements list once they are satisfied with your current health. It’s crucial to inform your dentist if you use a blood thinner or anticoagulant. 

Dental Implants procedure

In consultation with your primary care provider, your dentist will determine whether medication adjustments are necessary before your implant procedure.

While you’re at it, ensure that: 

  • You underwent a checkup and had blood work done by your primary care provider to confirm that there are no underlying conditions that could affect the success of the implant.
  • Discuss sedation options with your dentist. If you intend to undergo sedation, arrange for a reliable friend or family member to drive you home following your procedure.

Following this, your dentist will proceed with the second phase of the procedure. 

What Happens During The Implants Procedure?

The second phase of the tooth transplant procedure begins at your orthodontist’s table. Here’s an overview of the different processes that happen during your surgery:

  • Anesthesia

The first step of the implant surgery is to administer local anesthesia to numb your gums and the sedatives.

After the anesthesia has set in, your surgeon will cut your gums where the implants will go. This allows the surgeon to place the implant in your jawbone. 

  • Prepare the jaw

Your surgeon will use different tools to create an opening in your jawbone. The jawbone is cut open to the extent of the diameter of the implant. Once the jaw is prepared, the dental implant is placed carefully into your jaw.

Finally, the surgeon will fix the abutment in your gums and stitch back the earlier incisions. Once your jawbone is healed, they will place a crown visible at the gum line. 

Post The Dental Implant Procedure

Once the surgical procedure is performed, the best dentist for implants will provide you with a list containing detailed postoperative instructions. They will also prescribe you antibiotics to combat infection and pain. 

Here are some of the several things you can do to reduce the risks of soreness and discomfort-

  • Take your prescribed antibiotics at a time as recommended by your dentist.
  • Avoid exercise or heavy lifting for at least 72 hours, as an elevated pulse can increase pain and swelling.
  • Eat soft foods for a few days, and avoid chewing on the side of your mouth.

Tips For Effective Maintenance Of Implants

After tooth implantation surgery, they must regularly maintain oral hygiene and brush and floss. Artificial teeth require equal care and maintenance as our natural teeth. 

You must also schedule follow-up visits to your dentist to monitor the implants and ensure that the teeth and gums are healthy. You must also visit your dentist every six months for professional cleanings.

Factors Affecting The Success Rate Of Dental Implant Procedure

  • Infection

If you have any infected tissue, it can delay or even stop the healing process after the dental implant placement. 

  • Quality of Supporting Bone

The quality of the bone on which the implant will be placed plays a significant role in the success of the dental implantation procedure. It can affect the initial stability and period the implant requires to integrate with the bone. 

Usually, it takes more than six months for an implant to fuse with the soft bone. There is an increased risk for micro-movement in the bone, which will prevent the implant from fusing with the bone, leading to implant failure.

  • Smoking and Diabetes

Adequate blood supply to the supporting bone structure aids for faster recovery after the dental implant procedure

Smoking can reduce the blood supply to the gums and supporting bone. Additionally, uncontrolled diabetes usually leads to poor healing, resulting in implant failure. 

Other Procedures That You May Have With Implants

  • Bone Augmentation:

Sometimes, your jaw doesn’t have enough strong bone to support dental implants. In such cases, your doctor may suggest adding bone material and the best implants to help grow more bone. This strengthens your jaw and makes it ready for implants.

  • Sinus Lift:

Placing implants in the upper back of your jaw can be tricky because there might not be enough bone, and it’s close to your sinus (the hollow space in your skull). To solve this, your doctor can lift your sinus membrane to create room for more bone. This added bone will be able to hold the dental implants securely.

  • Ridge Expansion:

If your jaw is too narrow to hold dental implants, your doctor might suggest a ridge expansion. This means they’ll add bone material to make your jaw wider along the top. This procedure can be used to improve both the success of the implant and the appearance of your jaw if there are any abnormalities.

Every person has a unique health history; consult with your dentist before making any decision for your implants on teeth


  • Dental implant procedure has a 95% success rate.
  • The dental implantation procedure generally begins with your dentist examining your oral health. 
  • The second phase of the tooth transplant procedure begins at your orthodontist’s table. 
  • Every person has a unique health history; consult with your dentist before making any decision for your implants.