You might be discussing the possibility of having dental sealants applied to your teeth, but you have some questions or concerns as to what they are, how they work, and why you should consider getting them. There is nothing to be worried about as the sealant procedure is entirely painless and the benefits for your teeth are many.

So let’s take a look at the way dental sealants work and how they can help your teeth.


A dental sealant is pretty much just that, it’s a sealant that protects your tooth from certain negative impacts that can cause harm in the form of tooth decay and loss. To be more specific, the sealant itself is a thin clear plastic coating that is applied over the surface of the tooth as a way to safeguard it from errant food particles and the resulting germs and bacteria that can come from them.

The main reason why many patients will opt to have dental sealants is to gain a greater level of protection for the chewing surfaces of the teeth. Those are the areas that are most prone to tooth decay because the natural grooves, pits, and fissures of the tooth can be tougher to clean out with traditional brushing.

When you apply a sealant to those areas, it provides a layer of protection so in the event you can’t eliminate errant food particles left behind even after you’ve brushed and rinsed, those potentially harmful impacts won’t be as damaging to the teeth.

A sealant basically envelops the tooth to keep it safe from infections and erosion and bonds it for the life of the sealant. Depending on how hard you chew, you might need to get the sealant reapplied every five years.


Having a sealant placed on your tooth is an easy procedure that is painless and doesn’t take very long to complete. The dentist will prepare the surface of the tooth that he or she intends to seal and then apply the coating. From there, a curing light is used to harden the coating and ensure a tight and secure bond.

It won’t take long after the procedure is finished for you to be able to speak and eat as you normally would. But keep in mind, just because you have a sealant on your teeth doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue to practice good habits for brushing and flossing. Be sure to stay current on all routine checkups with your dentist as well.

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